Frequently asked questions

Q: do i need to have a gym membership?

A: You don’t necessarily have to have a gym membership, however certain programs require more equipment than others!

Q: What if I don’t know how to do the exercise?

A: Every exercise has an accompanying YouTube video of us showing you exactly how we want you to perform the exercise, along with coaching cues to help you understand what you should be doing!

Q: What if i can’t do a certain exercise in the program?

A: Whether it’s due to an injury, lack of equipment, or any other reason you can always swap out an exercise for something else! Once you get your program, you will have the option to sub out any exercise with a similar movement pattern. So for example if the program calls for a TRX row but you don’t have access to a TRX, you can sub it out for a band row, or a cable row, or…