Thank You!



You’ve made a great decision and your body is going to love you for it! You’ll be receiving an order confirmation soon in your inbox (the subject is “Your Invite to AchieveOnline”) along with details on how to access the course. If you already have an on-demand account with us, then you’ll see EXPLORE automatically applied to your library once you log-in at

From there, once you log in, you can click on “Browse All Videos” and you’ll see EXPLORE listed in “My Library.” Once you open EXPLORE you’ll find all four videos as well as the PDF download under the “resources” tab!

The other videos on the website are part of our on-demand subscription! For more information, you can click here.

Lastly, if you added on our ELEVATE program, you’ll receive an invitation to our app within 24 business hours!

Wishing you health and happiness,

Lauren & Jason Pak, Owners of Achieve Fitness